Best Biscuit Manufacturers in India [Top Companies]

Discover the top biscuit manufacturers in India, renowned for their diverse and delectable range of biscuits catering to varied taste preferences. Explore their product portfolios, manufacturing strengths, and success factors in this comprehensive guide.

India’s biscuit industry is a thriving sector that has been satisfying the nation’s sweet tooth for decades. With a rich culinary heritage and a diverse consumer base, India has become a breeding ground for some of the world’s most prominent biscuit manufacturers. These companies have not only catered to the domestic market but have also expanded their reach globally, exporting their delectable creations to various corners of the world.

Biscuit Manufacturers in India

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the top biscuit manufacturers in India, their product portfolios, manufacturing strengths, and the factors that have contributed to their success in this highly competitive industry.

Biscuit Manufacturers in India

Britannia Industries Limited

Britannia Industries Limited is a household name in India and a leading player in the biscuit industry. Established in 1892, the company has a rich legacy spanning over a century and is renowned for its diverse range of biscuit products.

Product Portfolio: Britannia offers an extensive range of biscuits, including popular varieties such as Good Day, Treat, Bourbon, Milk Bikis, NutriChoice, and Marie Gold. The company’s portfolio encompasses sweet, salted, and health-conscious biscuit options, catering to diverse consumer preferences.

Manufacturing Capabilities: Britannia operates multiple state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities across India, ensuring efficient production and distribution of its products. The company adheres to stringent quality control measures and follows international food safety standards, such as ISO 22000 and HACCP certifications.

Global Presence: While Britannia has a strong presence in the Indian market, the company has also expanded its reach globally. Its products are exported to over 60 countries across six continents, making it a truly international brand.

Parle Products Private Limited

Parle Products Private Limited is another iconic biscuit brand in India, known for its wide range of affordable and delicious biscuits. The company has been a household name for generations, with a strong presence across the country.

Product Portfolio: Parle’s product portfolio includes popular biscuit varieties such as Parle-G, Monaco, KrackJack, Hide & Seek, and Milano. The company offers a diverse range of biscuits, from glucose-based to cream-filled and salted varieties, catering to varying taste preferences.

Manufacturing Capabilities: Parle operates several manufacturing facilities strategically located across India, ensuring efficient distribution and fresher products for consumers. The company employs modern production techniques and adheres to strict quality control measures to maintain consistency and quality.

Global Presence: While Parle’s primary focus has been on the Indian market, the company has also ventured into international markets, exporting its products to several countries, particularly in Asia and Africa.

ITC Limited (Sunfeast)

ITC Limited is a diversified conglomerate with a strong presence in the food and beverage industry. Its biscuit brand, Sunfeast, is a leading player in the Indian biscuit market, offering a wide range of innovative and premium products.

Product Portfolio: Sunfeast offers a diverse range of biscuits, including popular varieties such as Sunfeast Yippee!, Sunfeast Dream Cream, Sunfeast Mom’s Magic, and Sunfeast Farmlite. The company has also introduced innovative flavors and categories, such as digestive biscuits and premium cookies, catering to evolving consumer preferences.

Manufacturing Capabilities: ITC operates state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities across India, equipped with advanced technology and adhering to stringent quality control measures. The company follows international food safety standards, ensuring consistent quality and hygiene in its products.

Global Presence: While Sunfeast primarily caters to the Indian market, ITC has also explored export opportunities for its biscuit products, entering select international markets based on consumer demand and market potential.

Anmol Industries Limited (Anmol Biscuits)

Anmol Industries Limited, with its popular brand Anmol Biscuits, is a prominent player in the Indian biscuit industry. The company has carved a niche for itself by offering a wide range of affordable and tasty biscuit varieties.

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Product Portfolio: Anmol Biscuits offers a diverse range of products, including glucose biscuits, cream biscuits, salted biscuits, and cookies. Popular varieties include Anmol Milk, Anmol Jeera, Anmol Coconut, and Anmol Butter Cookies, among others.

Manufacturing Capabilities: Anmol Industries operates modern manufacturing facilities across India, ensuring efficient production and distribution of its products. The company adheres to stringent quality control measures and follows international food safety standards, ensuring consistent quality and taste.

Global Presence: While Anmol Biscuits primarily caters to the Indian market, the company has also explored export opportunities, entering select international markets based on consumer demand and market potential.

Unibic Foods India Private Limited

Unibic Foods India Private Limited is a relatively new entrant in the Indian biscuit industry but has quickly gained popularity for its innovative and premium biscuit products. The company offers a unique blend of traditional and contemporary flavors, catering to evolving consumer preferences.

Product Portfolio: Unibic’s product portfolio includes a diverse range of biscuits and cookies, such as premium butter cookies, digestive biscuits, chocolate-coated biscuits, and specialty biscuits infused with unique flavors like saffron and rose. The company also offers gluten-free and sugar-free options to cater to health-conscious consumers.

Manufacturing Capabilities: Unibic operates modern manufacturing facilities in India, employing advanced technology and adhering to stringent quality control measures. The company follows international food safety standards, ensuring consistent quality and hygiene in its products.

Global Presence: While Unibic has a strong presence in the Indian market, the company has also expanded its reach globally, exporting its premium biscuit products to various countries across Asia, the Middle East, and other regions.

Factors Contributing to the Success of Indian Biscuit Manufacturers

The success of Indian biscuit manufacturers can be attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Rich Culinary Heritage and Diverse Taste Preferences India’s rich culinary heritage and diverse taste preferences have played a significant role in shaping the biscuit industry. With a vast array of regional flavors and preferences, biscuit manufacturers have been able to cater to varying tastes and provide a wide range of options to consumers.
  2. Affordable Pricing and Value for Money Indian consumers are known for their price-consciousness, and biscuit manufacturers have excelled in offering affordable and value-for-money products. By optimizing production processes and leveraging economies of scale, these companies have been able to provide high-quality biscuits at competitive prices, making them accessible to a wide consumer base.
  3. Innovation and Product Development To stay ahead in the competitive biscuit market, Indian manufacturers have continuously focused on innovation and product development. From introducing new flavors and varieties to exploring healthier options and unique ingredients, these companies have successfully catered to evolving consumer preferences and trends.
  4. Strong Brand Loyalty and Consumer Trust Many Indian biscuit brands have established strong brand loyalty and consumer trust over decades of operations. Consumers associate these brands with quality, taste, and nostalgia, leading to repeat purchases and sustained market dominance.
  5. Efficient Distribution Networks Indian biscuit manufacturers have developed robust distribution networks, ensuring their products are readily available across the country, from urban centers to rural areas. This widespread distribution has played a crucial role in their success, allowing them to reach a vast consumer base effectively.
  6. Adherence to Quality Standards and Food Safety In an increasingly health-conscious market, Indian biscuit manufacturers have prioritized adherence to quality standards and food safety regulations. By implementing stringent quality control measures and obtaining international certifications, these companies have gained the trust and confidence of consumers, both domestically and globally.
  7. Export Opportunities and Global Expansion As the Indian biscuit industry has matured, many manufacturers have explored export opportunities and global expansion. By catering to the tastes of Indian diaspora communities and adapting their products to international preferences, these companies have successfully established a presence in global markets.
  8. Government Support and Favorable Policies The Indian government has played a supportive role in the growth of the food and beverage industry, including the biscuit sector. Favorable policies, incentives, and initiatives have encouraged domestic manufacturing, innovation, and export promotion, contributing to the success of Indian biscuit manufacturers.
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Challenges and Future Outlook

While the Indian biscuit industry has achieved remarkable success, it also faces several challenges and opportunities that will shape its future outlook:

  1. Increasing Health Consciousness As consumers become more health-conscious, there is a growing demand for biscuits and snacks that are low in sugar, high in fiber, and made with healthier ingredients. Biscuit manufacturers will need to adapt their product portfolios and innovate to meet these
  1. Competition from International Players With the increasing globalization of the food industry, Indian biscuit manufacturers face intense competition from international players entering the domestic market. These global brands often have substantial resources, advanced technology, and established brand recognition, posing a challenge to local manufacturers.
  2. Rising Input Costs Fluctuations in the prices of raw materials such as flour, sugar, and vegetable oils can significantly impact the profitability of biscuit manufacturers. Effective cost management strategies and efficient supply chain operations will be crucial to mitigate the impact of rising input costs.
  3. Evolving Regulations and Food Safety Standards The food and beverage industry is subject to ongoing regulatory changes and tightening food safety standards. Indian biscuit manufacturers must stay vigilant and proactively adapt to these evolving regulations to ensure compliance and maintain consumer trust.
  4. Sustainable Packaging and Environmental Concerns With growing environmental awareness, there is increasing pressure on manufacturers to adopt sustainable packaging solutions and reduce their carbon footprint. Biscuit companies will need to explore eco-friendly packaging options, implement waste reduction strategies, and embrace sustainable manufacturing practices.
  5. Shifting Consumer Preferences and Market Trends Consumer preferences and market trends are constantly evolving, driven by factors such as changing lifestyles, dietary preferences, and globalization. Biscuit manufacturers must remain agile and responsive to these shifts, continuously innovating and adapting their product offerings to stay relevant and competitive.
  6. Talent Acquisition and Retention Attracting and retaining skilled talent is a challenge faced by many industries, including the food and beverage sector. Biscuit manufacturers must invest in talent development programs, offer competitive compensation packages, and provide opportunities for professional growth to maintain a skilled and motivated workforce.
  7. Digital Transformation and E-Commerce Opportunities The rise of e-commerce and digital platforms has opened up new opportunities for biscuit manufacturers to reach consumers directly and explore alternative distribution channels. Embracing digital transformation, leveraging data analytics, and exploring e-commerce strategies will be crucial for future growth and market penetration.

Innovation and Product Development Strategies

To address the challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities, Indian biscuit manufacturers have adopted various innovation and product development strategies:

  1. Healthier Alternatives and Functional Biscuits In response to the growing demand for healthier snacking options, biscuit manufacturers are introducing products made with whole grains, high-fiber ingredients, and alternative sweeteners. Additionally, they are exploring functional biscuits fortified with vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients, catering to health-conscious consumers.
  2. Fusion Flavors and Regional Innovations India’s diverse culinary heritage provides a rich canvas for biscuit manufacturers to explore fusion flavors and regional innovations. By incorporating traditional spices, herbs, and unique flavor combinations, companies are creating biscuits that cater to local tastes while offering a unique and authentic experience.
  3. Premium and Indulgent Varieties While health remains a priority, there is also a growing demand for premium and indulgent biscuit varieties. Manufacturers are introducing luxurious offerings, such as artisanal cookies, gourmet butter biscuits, and chocolate-coated biscuits, targeting consumers seeking an elevated snacking experience.
  4. Specialized Dietary Options To cater to consumers with specific dietary requirements, biscuit manufacturers are expanding their portfolios to include gluten-free, vegan, and allergen-free options. These specialized products cater to niche markets and demonstrate the industry’s commitment to inclusivity and meeting diverse consumer needs.
  5. Innovative Packaging and Portion Control Packaging plays a crucial role in product appeal and convenience. Biscuit manufacturers are exploring innovative packaging solutions, such as resealable pouches, portion-controlled packs, and eco-friendly materials, to enhance consumer experience and promote responsible consumption.
  6. Collaborations and Strategic Partnerships To accelerate innovation and product development, biscuit manufacturers are forming collaborations and strategic partnerships with research institutions, ingredient suppliers, and technology providers. These collaborations foster knowledge exchange, access to cutting-edge technologies, and the development of novel products and formulations.
  7. Leveraging Digital Technologies Biscuit manufacturers are leveraging digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and virtual reality, to streamline product development processes, optimize formulations, and enhance consumer engagement. These technologies enable faster time-to-market, personalized product offerings, and data-driven decision-making.
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Marketing and Branding Strategies

Effective marketing and branding strategies are crucial for the success of biscuit manufacturers in India. Here are some key approaches adopted by leading companies:

  1. Building Brand Equity and Loyalty Many established biscuit brands in India have leveraged their legacy and nostalgia factor to build strong brand equity and consumer loyalty. Through consistent product quality, effective advertising campaigns, and emotional connections with consumers, these brands have cemented their position in the market.
  2. Digital Marketing and Social Media Engagement With the rise of digital platforms and social media, biscuit manufacturers have embraced digital marketing strategies to connect with younger audiences and build brand awareness. They are leveraging platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to showcase their products, share recipes, and engage with consumers through creative campaigns and influencer collaborations.
  3. Targeted Regional Marketing India’s diverse cultural landscape presents opportunities for biscuit manufacturers to tailor their marketing strategies to specific regions. By understanding local preferences, customs, and languages, companies can create targeted campaigns and promotional activities that resonate with regional audiences.
  4. In-store Promotions and Merchandising Effective in-store promotions and merchandising tactics play a crucial role in driving impulse purchases and influencing consumer decisions at the point of sale. Biscuit manufacturers collaborate with retailers to create eye-catching displays, offer sampling opportunities, and leverage point-of-purchase materials to capture consumer attention.
  5. Brand Ambassadors and Celebrity Endorsements Leveraging the power of celebrity endorsements and brand ambassadors is a popular marketing strategy in the Indian biscuit industry. By associating their products with popular personalities, biscuit brands aim to build brand resonance, increase recall value, and influence consumer perceptions.
  6. Experiential Marketing and Sampling Experiential marketing and sampling activities offer consumers a hands-on experience with biscuit products. Manufacturers organize tasting events, food festivals, and sampling drives to showcase their offerings, gather consumer feedback, and create memorable brand experiences.
  7. Cause Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility Aligning with social and environmental causes has become an integral part of branding strategies for many biscuit manufacturers. By supporting relevant causes and engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives, companies can build positive brand associations, enhance their reputation, and resonate with socially conscious consumers.


The Indian biscuit industry is a dynamic and highly competitive sector, with top manufacturers like Britannia Industries, Parle Products, ITC’s Sunfeast, Anmol Industries, and Unibic Foods leading the way. These companies have successfully navigated the challenges of catering to diverse consumer preferences, maintaining affordability, and adhering to stringent quality standards.

However, the industry is not without its challenges. Rising health consciousness, competition from international players, evolving regulations, and sustainability concerns are just a few of the factors that biscuit manufacturers must address to maintain their competitive edge.

To thrive in this evolving landscape, Indian biscuit manufacturers are embracing innovation and product development strategies, exploring healthier alternatives, fusion flavors, and specialized dietary options. They are also leveraging digital technologies, forming strategic collaborations, and adopting innovative packaging solutions to stay ahead of the curve.

Effective marketing and branding strategies are equally crucial for success in the biscuit industry. Companies are building brand equity and loyalty, engaging in digital marketing, tailoring regional campaigns, leveraging in-store promotions, partnering with brand ambassadors, and embracing experiential marketing to connect with consumers on a deeper level.

As the Indian biscuit industry continues to evolve, those manufacturers that can adapt to changing consumer preferences, embrace innovation, and craft compelling brand narratives will emerge as leaders in this highly competitive market.

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